RBSE Board Exam 2022 Class 10th, 12th Postponed; Check exam dates here
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education RBSE has postponed the class 10 and 12 board exams. The exams will now begin on 24 March, and date sheets will be released soon. The exams will be held in offline mode. Earlier exams were scheduled to be held on the 3 March.
Class 12 practical exams will now be conducted from 15 February to 28 for regular students and from 21 February to 28 for private candidates.
This decision has been taken keeping in mind the Covid-19 scenario in the state.
The state education minister Dr. B D Kalla informed the assembly that the revised dates for the Rajasthan board 10th 12th exams will be soon released on the official website.
“Around 300 centers, including 60 answer sheet collection/distribution centers and all sensitive/hypersensitive examination centers will be monitored by CCTV. Fewer candidates will be seated at all the centers and arrangements will be made for masks and sanitizers,” added Dr. B D Kalla.